‘Very Famous Art to Colour In’ is xnthony’s first gallery exhibition from since 2012.

Having studied Fine Art Paint at the National College of Art and Design, Xnthony’s work quickly veered towards the theatrical and club aesthetic. This work is a return to his roots, where he began, indeed where we all begin in our creativity - with a crayon and a piece of paper.

‘Very Famous Art to Colour In’ is the CHANNELING of a globe-trotting, stage bopping performance career into an exhibition experience that everyone can take part in.

Working with The Brothers of Charity, Xnthony and the participants started at square one, together, exploring line making, painting and colour while the music of our favourite pop stars played on the loudspeaker. We’re talking the Nathan Carter of course. And maybe a bit of Ed Sheeran too.

The result is an experience that welcomes the public to engage in the making of the art on show - a series of illustrations inspired by Xnthony and the groups’ interactions, wild stories and exuberant personalities.

So, grab a crayon. You’ve got some very famous art to colour in.  

Commissioned as part of the Roscommon Co Co Arts and Disability Award.

featuring illustrations by Daisy Allen.