Hi Roscommon!
For the next few months I will be a regular artist in residence in Roscommon Arts Centre. The reason I am there is to develop a new, exciting, music production about...Roscommon!
The piece if called 'Confirmation' and it's inspired by my Confirmation Booklet from 2002 and Roscommon County's rejection of the marriage equality referendum in 2015. The show aims to investigate and change the perception of Roscommon and rural life in general.
As part of this I want to talk to as many people as possible about what Roscommon means to them (among other things). For that reason I am holding a public discussion, open to all, at Gleesons Cafe on Thursday January 25th. This is for everybody, so please feel welcome to come!
The project is funded by Arts Council Ireland, Creative Ireland and Roscommon Co Co. It's an ambitious project which we aim to tour nationally and internationally, with its first showings at Dublin Fringe Festival in 2018 and Roscommon Arts Centre soon after.
Please share to all who might be interested!